Technical Editing Technology communcated perfectly

Clear language results in clear understanding. The technical field in particular requires professional translations as well as the optimal creation and editing of service bulletins.

Technical Editing

Technische Redaktion - advasco | icon blue

Communicate technology: advasco editorial team

The advasco editorial team knows the requirements of technical documentation. We “transport” technical content so that it comes across clearly to the user. The texts are translation-friendly, comprehensible and designed to suit the target group.

For international use, our translators localize documents into local languages. For uploading to the portal, we determine the metadata and maintain it in the database, even for existing documentation.

icon Vorteile - Check

Your advantages:

  • Modular documents for use in documents of other series
  • Interfaces for metadata import directly into the portal
  • Low effort for the output of language variants

XML bulletin editing

We create service bulletins in XML technology:

  • EOne-time effort for text and layout of a multilingual bulletin
  • Cost-effective translation e.g. with Trados
  • Low effort to create the country variants PDFs
  • Editor cannot influence/change layout (corporate identity)

Easy revision creation (simple replacement of an image, because it exists only once for all languages)


This is how it works

In an XML document, image files, text, and formatting are separated.

Technical editing XML Bulletin


Efficient translation

The translation agency simply receives the text file and returns the text in the target languages.

XML Bulletin | translation


Identically formatted PDF bulletins in all languages

The XML editor merges images and text file and outputs identically formatted bulletins in the desired variants and languages.

XML bulletins in all languages

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